
a bit belated..

but the soulja boy experience was a crazy one, to say the utmost least. and as usual, i don't say the least.

i had no idea it was going to turn out how it did. from the meeting on day one, i had high expectations. these expectations were gradually lowered and lowered and lowered as deals were cut, ticket prices flutuated so rapidly, ticket sales BARELY climbed, more and more conversation was surrounding 'is the concert going to go on?' vs 'what can we do to get this ready?' things were left undone, things weren't EVER done, and it was all just a mess.

fast forward to day of: staff has no idea of the ticket prices, head of the show was picking up someone inconsequential at the airport, two volunteers decided to run the show. everything came together by the time it needed to be done, even if it was done quite literally last minute. however, the whole thing was great. from being the stage manager, recruiting volunteers, keeping track of at least 70 (no joke here.. at LEAST 70) people in the backstage, tracking down the next act, telling them how and when to get on the stage, and then OFF of it, and finally making way for soulja boy.. it was a crazy, hectic, 10 hours.

but i am pretty sure it was a 10 hours well spent. at least, i hope thats what my letter of recommendation will say. :)

in other news:
i finally have a house to live in in lexington, and it will be both a nightmare and a dream. first a nightmare, as we try to get it CLEANED and painted, decorated, and furnished, but soon after (and i'm HOPING only a FEW hundred dollars later) a complete dream. keep your fingers crossed.

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