
california, here (i) come!

a little over two weeks left until i move across the country!

i'm relatively excited. i'm frustrated, because i just want to be able to BE excited, but plans are not coming together perfectly, and its causing stress. i can't wait for everything to just BE DONE in terms of preparation. i thought i had everything covered, then someone backed out and now i'm back to trying to find someone to take over my lease in lexington. oh well. with time, it will work out.

otherwise. excited. there was an article in USA Today about how downtown Los Angeles is becoming more and more 'user friendly.' there are shops, and supermarkets, and doggie day care and yoga studios, not just homeless people and hard drugs. i'm looking forward to just being THERE, in a huge city, with anything and everything at my fingertips.

let's keep our fingers crossed for a great time. i'll probably start writing in here more often, just a little update on my life in LA.

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