
go van gogh?!

so we just rolled up in st. louis.

let me just say that the ride here was great. so fun. and st. louis is GORGEOUS by night!
**disclaimer: louis and louise are very similar, you probably have noticed. i am super used to typing louise, not so much louis. so if i ever type st. louise, don't make fun of me. you know what i'm trying to say!! :)**

the hotel = rocks hard core.
not having free wireless = sucks hard core.

updates will probably be by my phone, and often. don't get frustrated if you check back and there are billions of updates. just read them and suck it up! ;)

tomorrow we're just spending the day walking through the city, checking things out, etc. i probably won't have a huge update, band wise. i'm going to maybe see if i can track down some of the bands that will be playing in the next four days and listen to them briefly so i know what to expect. when i do that, i'll post the ones that really caught my eye, so you can listen along also!

thanks so much for taking this seriously, guys. i really want to make sure the concert committee is based on what YOU think, on what YOU want, and run by YOU. so the fact that you guys are planning on checking in, already giving band suggestions, etc.. it means a lot!

also--feel free to give me criticism. if you are hearing too much of one thing, not enough of another, want to see something in particular, etc, feel free to tell me. i won't know if something isn't working or isn't enough if people don't tell me!

i think thats all i wanted to say today.

have fun in lovely kentucky for me, and make sure you keep reading/posting! i appreciate it! :)

OH OH i remember what i was going to say!
if you remember, last semester we brought a band called Greenwheel.
they were 'breaking up' to 'reform' under a name Go Van Gogh. i picked up a st. louis sound magazine, and GUESS WHO WAS FEATURED?!

the stuff we bring is exceptional. i can say i truly enjoyed every concert we've held here at UK, besides maybe some of the family events (just because i'm not a huge U2 fan). but we really do bring exceptional musicians. very rarely will i know the musicians before we bring them (i think mae was the only case where i knew their music before attending). however, i always end up loving the band afterward. i think if we can have the campus learn to trust us, we'd have a crazy amount of people coming out to our shows. keep that in mind when we start promoting shows.


keep up the good work guys.


Anonymous said...

This is cool. I'll be checking this often for sure.

Chris Duncan

Anonymous said...

Regardless of being a U2 fan or not, my mom came down and that is the coolest part about that concert... and the Beatles Tribute band was by far one of the best concerts i have done in 3 years being here.

I am extremely jealous of you being in St. Louis.. I haven't been there in so long and i know that place is gorgeous, i can only imagine how it looks at night.

I recommend you myspace-ing Greenwheel or Go Van Gogh while your there. The guys live around the area and are incredibly nice. I guarantee if you tell them who you are and that you worked with them in march of last year... they will hang out..


By the way i am posting your blogs also on UKSAB's website


Love from Lexington!

Anonymous said...

Have fun in St. Louise! lol

-Branden Armendt
Email: bjarme2@uky.edu
aim: armendt x07

clgarn3 said...

Dude I didn't know you were going to my home! You'll have a blast in STL, its the best place ever! Let me know if you have any questions on good places to go, although I'm sure you're on a tight schedule.

I don't know if you are checking out venues there but Pops Rocks in Sauget , IL (right past the river) is a frequent spot that Minutes to Midnight plays, if that gives you a feel for them at all. Hope you find some great stuff, St. Louis local bands are surprisingly awesome! Have a blast, I'm super jealous!

~Crystal G

Anonymous said...

im jealous st. louise!


p.s you're so right, all of our shows did rock.. and Amen to the Beatles Tribute band being completely stellar..

Anonymous said...

Get Graham Colton to come to UK. I think that he will be a really big hit coming up. He has been featured on MTV.
- Laura Pepper

Monika said...

your blog is absolutely awesome! i really like the fact that you're a harry potter fan!